•   高博培训专注PMP培训15年 023-88866876
  •   高博培训专注PMP培训15年2


摘要: 2016年7月,重庆高博培训承办2016项目管理高峰论坛重庆站。来自华为、中兴、协信、中冶赛迪、华夏航空、春秋航空等百余家国内通信、金融、IT、房地产、航空等行业项目管理专业人士,一起就项目管理多方面...



本次论坛活动荣登世界顶级项目管理杂志PMI TODAY。加入高博项目管理培训集体,与更多项目管理专业人士为伍。PMP®考前培训班17年7月8日开课,现已开始报名。




Forum in Chongqing Gains Postive Comments


Practitoners from more than 100 companies gathered in Chongqing for the PMI® China Chongqing Project Management Forum.The event was sponsored by PMI® China and delivered by Global Vocational Education and Training School,a PMI® Registered Education Provider(R.E.P) in Chongqing.


Companies represented included Huawei,ZTE Corporation,CISDI,SINCERE,Three Gorges Bank,AsiaInfo,DidoDirect,Changan Ford and Travelsky.Delegates came from the fields of communication,finance,IT and real estate,among others.


PMI® China Managing Director Bob Chen began the event with a talk in the current development of project management in China.He presented statistics showing that the success rate of the projects will increase when the company uses reliable project management,focuses on the PMI® Talent Triangle TM and aligns its PMO with the strategic vision.


Next,Xinxiang Chen,honoray chair of CAPINFO Company,gave a presentation entitled "Project Management-the Essential Method and Tool for the Enterprise Innocation and Development." He said the core of project management is to put the right person in at the appropriate time and adopt the right method to ensure the smooth progress of the right initiative.


He described the relationship between project management and enterprise innovation,and covered the relationship between project management and enterprise strategies.Boiling it down to one statement,his remarks supported the notion that project management can speed up enterprises' innovation.At the end of his presentation,he stated that if enterprises want to keep the continuous and smooth development of project,program and portfolio management(PPPM),they should eatablish a strong enterprise project management system.


Bruce Yu,a former director of the Ctrip Knowledge Management Center and currently volunteering as PMI® China Shanghai Community mentor,gave the keynote speech,"The Necessary Process of Project Strategies Docking and Requirements Management.”He not only confirmed the value of business analysis in project management,but also introduced the life cycle of requirements management.


Project managers from Huawei and Asiainfo shared experiences from their work circumstances.


The forum not only received very positive comments,but also gained local recognition.Since the forum was held in Chongqing for the first time,it will further reinforce the development of project management in this area.


版权声明:版权:重庆市高博职业培训学校 地址:重庆市渝中区嘉陵江滨江路131号2-3# 电话:023-88866876 渝公网安备 50010302001836号 渝ICP备2022003983号-1
